Monday 24 May 2021

Longtimber Wood, Ivybridge

 After over a week of wet and windy weather where I have not done any substantial walks, the sun came out this afternoon so I took the opportunity to get out.  With all the rain we have had I knew the rivers would be spectacular so I drove to Ivybridge and parked under the viaduct and walked into Longtimber Wood and then along the River Erme.  Even from the road you could hear the river thundering down.  When we reached the river there were multiple waterfalls and white water and the river rushing through gaps in the rocks. It was indeed spectacular.  The trees had the soft green of new leaves and the sun shining through them added to the beauty of the walk.  At times there were streams running across the path but it was a reasonable surface most of the way.  When the path headed away from the river and got very stony I turned back.  It made a very pleasant afternoon walk.

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