Saturday 6 August 2011


The forecast today was for showers, but the sun was shining so we decided to chance a walk on Dartmoor.  The drive to Princetown was beautiful with Dartmoor ponies and sheep and cattle beside the road.  But by the time we arrived the clouds had gathered and it started to rain.  We sat in the car until the shower past by then got out and started to walk down the dismantled railway line.  This was a good path, although a bit stony in places.  The views were fantastic and we could see for miles, out to the coast as well as across Dartmoor. Unfortunately the wind got up and then it started to rain and there was no cover.  However it did not last long and our clothes soon dried out afterwards.  But we felt we should not do the whole walk recommended (5 miles) but we turned back after walking just over half an hour and retraced our steps back to Princetown.  We will definitely be back another day to do the whole walk.

After a refreshing cup of tea and scone we explored Princetown.  The craft centre was excellent.  We particularly liked the photos of Rob Hutchinson ( and the textile work was very inspiring and made me want to be creative!

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