Tuesday 9 August 2011

Rame Head

This morning we drove to the car park on Rame Head next to the coastguard station.  From here you could see both up and down the coast and visibility was so good the Eddystone Lighthouse looked quite close!  We followed the coastal path towards Whitsand Bay and the views were spectacular.  Near Polhawn Fort there was a hedge full of wild flowers, making the view down the coast even more attractive.

When we reached the coast road we left the coastal path intending to cut across country to Kingsand to do a circular walk around Rame Head.  The walk instructions told us to continue down a road and then take a path to the left.  We walked quite along way until we came to a left turn and when we walked up there we realised we had come to far and were going in the wrong direction.  We retraced our steps, went across a couple of fields and came back onto our original path where we followed our instincts and went down a footpath on the right.  This turned out to be correct and we were soon walking down to Kingsand, with a view of Plymouth Sound and breakwater.

After stopping in Cawsand for lunch, watching sailors and children enjoying the sea, we climbed up the coastal path along Rame Head.  The view out to sea was obscured by trees most of the time, but we had tantalisingly beautiful glimpses at time with yahts with white sails contrasting with the sparkling blue sea.  I would like to repeat this walk when the trees were not in leaf as I am sure it would be glorious.

At one point we heard rustling in the trees beside us and just caught sight of a fawn running through the woodland.

When we arrived back at the tip of Rame Head we  went out to the derelict chapel on the edge of  headland, from where you could see in all directions.

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