Saturday 20 August 2011

Yanadon Down

We parked the car at Lowry Cross, just outside Dousland and walked across Yanadon Down.  We were supposed to walk around the Down until we came to the dismantled railway.  However, we set off in slightly the wrong direction and walked to the highest point of the Down then headed down in the direction of the railway line.  There were beautiful views across Dartmoor in all directions.  When we came to a broad path we  assumed this was the old railway and we walked this path but eventually this linked up with the railway line.  Soon we could see Burrator Reservoir below us.

The old railway line continued through woodland and we continued on it until it we came to the road, which led us back to the car park.

This is a walk that would be glorious in the autumn when the trees were in many different colours.

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