Sunday 11 March 2012

Buckland Abbey in Spring

The National Trust have recently bought the Cider House which is next to Buckland Abbey.  I was keen to see their garden so as soon as it was open to the public we went to visit.

The kitchen garden was looking a bit bare but the gardens around the Cider House showed a lot of promise.  There were lots of daffodils around as well as other spring flowers - primroses, camelias and others I could not identify.

 I particularly liked the Wild Garden and the wrought iron gate linking this to the more formal garden.  The sun was shining so brightly it was difficult to photograph this as the light was bouncing off the shining metal.

Having walked around the gardens we decided to walk along the river walk.  Again there were lots of daffodils at the side of the path.

When the path started to climb upwards through woods we decided to turn back.  We were on the 'blue route' which is the only designated walk around Buckland Abbey that we have not done  so far, but we decided we would definitely be back soon to complete it and see  the Cider Garden at different times of the year.

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