Tuesday 13 March 2012

Daffodils at Saltram

It was a sunny afternoon so we went to see the daffodils at Saltram.  As we entered the gardens we immediately saw daffodils at the edge of the grounds.  There was a path between the daffodils which we had never noticed before, so we decided to see where this led.  From the path we had a lovely view of Saltram House.

The path wound round and then up a slope to come out at the side of the house.  There were also plenty of daffodils up the lime walk along with primroses and the occasional bluebell.

There were lots of camelias out, other spring flowers and early rhododendrons.  There is always so much to see in the gardens at Saltram, and even though we have been there many times we still find new delights.

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