Sunday 25 March 2012

Princetown to Kings Tor

Details of walk found at

We had started this walk previously, but it had started to rain so we had returned to the car before going far, but today was a bright sunny day so we looked forward to doing the whole 5 miles.  We parked the car in a layby just outside Princetown and walked down a path to the old railway line.  There were a few dartmoor ponies grazing here, including one with a young baby.

The path along the old railway line was fairly flat and a good surface.  We followed this path all the way to Kings Tor and around it.  Unfortunately it was hazy so we could not see clearly into the distance.  I am sure when the conditions are right you would be able to see for miles and miles.  Being up high on the moors also meant it was very windy, but this did not matter as the sun was shining.

Kings Tor
After we had walked around Kings Tor we missed the path that would take us back to the path to Princetown.  Fortunately we realised we were walking away from Princetown before too long so we turned back and found where we should have turned off the old railway.  This part was the only section of the walk that was uphill.  Once back on the old railway track it was an easy walk back to Princetown.

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