Wednesday 14 March 2012

Daffodils and the River Dart

It was a misty day but the weather forecasters said the sun would shine through on Dartmoor, so we headed to Hembury Woods to see the wild daffodils that we had heard grew there.  As we approached the car park we saw lots of daffodils on the hedges at the side of the road and as we pulled off the road there was a large patch of them in the picnic area.

From the car we walked up the hill towards the fort, but there were no daffodils in that direction, so we turned round and walked down the hill towards the bridge.  Along this pathway there were daffodils scattered through the trees.

After returning to our car we drove to Holne for lunch.  From there we followed the walk to Horseshoe Waterfall as described in the book "Walks on Dartmoor with an All terain buggy"  Having walked out of the village and picked up the mariners way that went down a path then across a couple of fields.  It was very muddy at the entrance to one of these fields, with a lot of manure, so we had to pick our path very carefully and make sure we did not slip!  After crossing the fields we came to a proper path and continued going downhill.  We could now hear the River Dart and soon saw it rushing along.

After we came to the Horseshoe Falls we decided to continue on the path to New Bridge.  We saw some daffodil plants at one stage, but only one or two daffodils were out.  There were also bluebell leaves so I think this would be an even more attractive walk when they were out.  Snowdrops had obviously been growing by the gate to the fields but they had finished but they must have made a show earlier in the year.

The climb back to Holne and walk through the fields was not that good.  In future I would drive to New Bridge and park there and walk from there along the flat parallel to the river, only going up the hill if I wanted to see the snowdrops.

On the drive home we stopped in Ashburton.  We were impressed by the unique shops in this town.  When we got back to the car park we noticed a field of daffodils on the hillside above the town.

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