Sunday 18 April 2021

Brixton towards Steer Point

 I parked in Winston Lane and walked down the track under a railway bridge and on to the creek.  At times this was a very steep path and although a good surface there were walls and hedges each side so you did not have any views.  

To reach the path alongside the creek I had to climb over a tall stile and the path was then quite rough in places.  Unfortunately the tide was out so the creek did not look very attractive.  As we walked along you could see the remains of the old railway tracks that used to run in this area.  After a while there was an option to take the path by the water or go along the old railway track.  I chose to take the easier path!  

When the path reached the road I could have followed the road to Steer Point, but instead chose to make my way back to Brixton on the road.  It was a gentle climb up the hill, but much easier walking and occasionally when there were gates in the hedge you could see across fields to the creek.  As we approached Brixton there was a track that led to Winston Lane so I could return to my car without having to go all the way to the centre of Brixton.

This was not a particularly exciting 3 mile walk, although no doubt it would have been better at high tide.

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