Wednesday 14 April 2021

Otter Garden Centre to Conflette Creek

 I had planned to walk from Brixton to Conflette Creek along the Plym Erme Trail, but could not find anywhere to park near the start of the walk.  When I came to Otter Garden Centre and decided to walk from there.  Back in lockdown I had walked from Elburton to Otter Garden Centre, so this was really an extension of that walk.

I went out the back of the Garden Centre car park and followed the fence until a kissing gate led onto the road.  I just had to dross over the road before I came to a track then a path across 2 fields.   The path went down  a very short length of road and then a green lane.  There was a tunnel under the old railway line and a short walk through a pretty little hamlet of old cottages.

Eventually I came to the edge of the creek.  I could not walk along the side of it as it was marked private.  I could have followed the road back to the Plym Erme Trail to Brixton but as I did not fancy a walk along the busy road I just turned around and retraced my steps.

This was just a short walk (30 mins) and it would be more worthwhile if linked with the walk from Elburton and when the tide was in.

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