Monday 12 April 2021

Wigford Down

As I drove over Cadover Bridge I saw some cars parked on the right so assumed this is where I should park, particularly when I saw a track on the left.  However, after following the track for a little bit I realised this was  leading just to the farm and I should be further up the hill.  In future I would have parked in the car park at the edge of Cadover Lakes as this lead straight onto the path I wanted to take. 

To begin with I walked along to the cross which I had often seen when I was by the river at Cadover Bridge.  From here there were good views up the river Plym.

I then followed the wall up the hill until I found a wide grassy path.  Where there was a junction of paths I took the left hand fork as I planned to walk to Dewerstone Rock.  To begin with there was not much to see, but then the view over Plymouth out into the Sound came into sight.  I could see right out to the Eddystone Lighthouse.

As I continued on I saw some cattle and one highland cow was stood in the middle of the path. Even though he was facing away from us we could see his horns and decided not to pass him.  It was a cold and windy day so it seemed like a good time to turn back to the car.  It was only a 2  mile walk, but that was enough for today.


1 comment:

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