Sunday 11 April 2021

Woodlands Wood, Budshead Wood and Warren Point

I parked my car at the end of Old Woodlands Road and walked down through the park to Woodlands Wood.  I was hoping the wild garlic would be out but there were only a few flowers to be seen. In a few weeks there will be a carpet of white.  After coming out of Woodlands Wood I crossed the road and walked through Budshead Wood.  I followed the creek, but unfortunately the tide was out so there was just mud to be seen.  At the end of Budshead Wood I continued walking along the creek until I came to the river Tamar.  You could clearly see up the river and down to the Tamar and Brunel Bridge. 

On the walk back I kept to the bottom path through Woodland Woods, keeping close to the stream.  As I was walking with a friend I did not stop to take many photos.  It is not a particularly picturesque walk but the paths are good and it was fairly flat.  It was over 5 miles so a good way to stretch my legs.

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