Friday 23 April 2021

Clearbrook to the Rock, Yelverton

 I parked at the car park at the end of the cycle path just above the village of Clearbrook and walked along the cycle path.  The gorse was in bloom giving a wonderful yellow colour to the surrounding moor. 

 There were not many cyclists on the path and it is quite wide so any coming along could easily pass.    There were a some ponies nearby and  we also passed some black and white cows.  The path followed the leat and in places you could see remains of the track of the Plymouth and Dartmoor railway.

When I got to the path that led to the road by the Rock I  I had already walked more than 30 minutes and as I had limited time I had to turn around. I could have walked on to Yelverton, but I will have to leave that for another day.

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