Saturday 10 April 2021

Seaton - Sea and River

The weather was promising today so I drove further and went to Seaton.  To begin with I walked along the sea wall.  The sun was out and the sea was a lovely blue colour. Unfortunately there was a cold wind so after a short walk I turned back.  I was concerned about straining me knee so chose not to walk on the sand, but it did look enticing.

After lunch of a Breakfast Bap  from the beach cafe, I started walking through the park up the river.  It was more sheltered here and was really warm in the sun.  They appear to have done some work on the path and it was in good condition.  In the past once I reached the bridge the path was so muddy, or even flooded that I have had to turn back, but today I was able to walk all the way to Hessenford.  The path was not so good at the end and I had to pick my way through tree roots, but it was lovely walking right beside the river.  I saw quite a few fish, trout I think.  

The walk to and fro Hessenford was 5 miles and it was a lovely walk.  At present the leaves of the wild garlic and bluebells were a bright green, with only an occasional flower.  In a few weeks time it will bright white and blue and I hope to return then. 

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