Monday 26 April 2021

Central Park

 Central Park is right on my doorstep so this morning I thought I would walk around that rather than travel further afield.  During lockdown it was so popular it was impossible to social distance there, but today it was much quieter.  There were just a few cyclists and dog walkers around and young mums pushing buggies.

Last week when walking with a friend I photographed this colourful tree near the Ford Park Road entrance.  I was glad I had captured it last week and today it had more leaves on the tree and was not so spectacular.

 However further along the path there were other trees  in flower.  There were also patches of spanish bluebells along the valley path and they made a lovely spread amongst the graves in the cemetery at the side of the park.

I walked along the valley path until Barn Park entrance then carried on up to Pounds House. The rhododendrons just before Pounds Park were just coming into flower, and only the purple one was fully out. However the cherry trees leading to Pounds House were in bloom giving a lovely sight.   

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