Friday 2 April 2021

Roborough Down - Leats and gorse

I parked the car in the car park on the road to Clearbrook immediately after turning off the main road.  There was queues all the way out of Plymouth but not many cars in this car park and on the walk I only saw 2 families and a few cyclists near the cycle path above Clearbrook.

I started walking on a defined path from the car park towards Yelverton.  The gorse was a bright yellow and made the views very colourful. 

Before long I came to the Devonport Leat and followed this to Yelverton Golf Club greens.   A lot of people were playing golf so I decided not to cut across their ground so headed down towards Clearbrook and back to the road. At the junction of the road and cycle path there was another well defined leat - the Plymouth Leat.   

At this point I turned right off the road and followed the grassy path until I came to the Plymouth Leat again and I followed this back to the car.

This was a very pleasant  easy 50 minute walk.

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