Tuesday 13 April 2021

Saltram House Gardens

 I have walked around the grounds of Saltram House many times lately, but not able to go into the Gardens as they were closed due to covid.  I know they always look glorious in spring so now they have opened again I was keen to see them.

Most of the daffodils have finished flowering, but some still remain, particularly the white ones.  The Lime walk looked impressive.  It is obvious that the National Trust have planted a lot of daffodil bulbs recently as I am sure there were not as many in the past.

There always seems to be something new to see when you walk around these Gardens.  Today I noticed a lot more tulips than I had not seen in the past.  Also a fallen tree trunk had been used to grown new plants.  Initially I thought something had seeded itself, but on closer inspection it appeared it had been done deliberately


As I sat in my car drinking coffee after walking around the gardens I noticed a roe deer scampering away from the cows in a field.  I have never seen deer in Saltram grounds and wondered where it had come from.

It is only a short walk around Saltram gardens but there is so much to see, particularly during the spring, that it well worthwhile.

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