Thursday 8 April 2021

Cothele in spring

Some places and walks are best done at certain times of the year   Cothele is definitely at its best when the daffodils are flowering.  This area of Cornwall was famous for growing daffodils in the past.  During the war the fields had to be dug up to grow vegetables.  The farmers did not want to lose the daffodil bulbs so put them in the hedges with the idea of digging them up after the war.  The daffodil growing industry never returned so many of the daffodils are still growing in the hedges.  They make a colourful journey down the narrow windy road  to Cothele


I parked at Cothele quay and walked up through the woods to the gate into the Valley garden.  There were primroses everywhere and the rhododendrons, azaleas and magnolias put on a colourful display as you approached Cothele House

As soon as I entered the gardens of Cothele I was struck by the daffodils.  Many of the yellow varieties were dying but there were lots of white ones.  As well as around the house there were plenty in the orchard.  There were lots of other spring flowers to admire and it was a very pretty walk around the gardens.

From Cothele House I walked down towards Cothele Mill.  When in the woods I took a path to the left too early so walked back to the road through the wood rather than along by the river as I planned.  Nevertheless I was a very pleasant walk.


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