Saturday 17 April 2021

Looe and Polperro

We parked at Hannafore as we know that along the sea front there it is free to park and there is a wonderful view out to sea and  over Looe Island.   We walked from there into Looe, first along the seafront and then up the river. The tide was in so it was a very pretty walk.  

After crossing Looe Bridge we walked through the town to the beach.  There were quite a few on the beach and crabbing along the quayside.  Because of the pandemic they had stopped all but essential vehicles driving through the town, which made it much better than usual and you could social distance.

After we walked back the way we came we continued on to the end of Hannafore.  Already the tide was out far enough to expose all the rock pools.  We then sat in our car eating our lunch, not only were we warm out of the wind, but it prevented the seagulls taking any of our food.  They are well known predators in Looe.

It was too early to go home so we caught the bus to Polperro.  There were only a couple of people on it to begin with and by the time we reached Polperro we had the bus to ourselves.  We walked through the village looking in the shop windows and around art galleries. Polperro is a very quaint village with lots of narrow streets and a stream running down the side of the main thoroughfare.  The tide was now out so the harbour was not as pretty as it could be.  We then wound our way back to catch the bus to Looe.

It was a very pleasant day out. This was the first time I had used my free bus pass on a journey of any length and it was lovely not to have to drive down all the narrow winding roads.  It is something I will definitely be doing again.   In total I had walked over 7 miles, so I had still had a good exercise.

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